Newsletter September 2020

From The Captain's Chair

From The Captain's Chair

September 2020

Captain's Chair - The Show Goes On!

In its 61-year history, the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show has never been cancelled, despite various threats from events like hurricanes and economic downturns, thanks to the continued support of the local community. Over the past few months, MIASF and Informa have worked closely together with their lobbying teams to relentlessly advocate for support from city of Fort Lauderdale and Broward County elected and non-elected officials to allow the 2020 show to go on. At a County Commission meeting held on September 10th, county commissioners heard from as many as 20 local business and civic leaders, as well as the city of Fort Lauderdale Mayor Dean Trantalis, Commissioner Ben Sorensen, and manager Chris Lagerbloom. Each speaker encouraged the County Commission to provide clear direction to the County Administrator, who has unprecedented authority during times of declared emergency, to provide the needed approval for FLIBS to move forward, and thankfully they did so.

You’ve heard me say many times that we don’t know how long we will be living with COVID-19 in our midst so we must find ways in which we can safely and securely conduct business and get people back to work to save individual livelihoods and the overall economy. We have learned over the past six months that enhanced hygiene in the form of hand washing, wearing a face covering, and maintaining social distancing are the keys to stopping the spread of the virus and safeguarding the population. #It’sNotTooMuchToMask!

As a leading global exhibition company producing 500 shows around the world, Informa has access to the latest information on how to ensure the health and safety of FLIBS participants and its leaders will be implementing its comprehensive AllSecure health and safety standards designed to prioritize the safety of all attendees, exhibitors, crew members, and staff. Together, MIASF and Informa have produced a series of informational videos that explain what attendees and exhibitors can expect at this year’s show. Many of the details are included throughout this issue of the MIASF Newsletter and the videos are available on social media.

We are grateful to the many exhibitors and attendees of the show who are enthusiastic and supportive of the decision to produce FLIBS, creating an opportunity for the marine industry to demonstrate its resiliency and lead by example in showing Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, and the state of Florida that it can operate an event safely, securely, and in compliance with new guidelines and protocols.

Of course, there will be some adjustments to be made that will require everyone to remain flexible as we navigate this new environment, but we know that by working together, finding practical solutions, and thoughtfully communicating throughout the process, we will deny the “cancel culture” its stronghold and we will create a defining moment that helps turn the tide toward safely getting back to business. 

Thank you for your continued support, and if you have questions, please feel free to reach out to us.

Advocacy Report

Advocacy Report

Some months are busier than others, but this month was uniquely busy on all fronts. The Broward County Commission instructed the county administrator to move forward with permitting the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show. Business leaders from multiple industries attended the meeting (virtually) and spoke in support of FLIBS and its importance to the entire community.

Visas for yacht crew continue to be a challenge as the U.S. consulates are operating under limited hours and staff depending on their location. Senator Rubio’s office reached out to the Department of State on our behalf on this issue and the response they received the below response, which was hopeful.

The Bureau of Consular Affairs (CA) has told its personnel that air and sea crew are considered mission critical and visas for them could be processed during the previous routine visa suspension, as well as in Phases 0, 1, and 2, however, CA personnel has discretion to determine which mission critical cases will be accepted based on local conditions and resources.

MIASF has received reports that appointments are being made in various consulates, although wait times can be lengthy. MIASF will continue to proactively encourage consulates to facilitate as many crew visas as possible, particularly in active areas such as the Bahamas, which at this time is not accepting appointments.

U.S.C.G. Captain of the Port, Captain Burdian, visited the MIASF office several weeks ago. It is great to see an agency that has such an impact on the marine industry reach out without an agenda in mind, and MIASF spoke to her about the challenges being faced with wait times on NTRVP (Non-Tank Vessel Response Plan) approvals when vessels sell offshore and are not able to return to the U.S. until the plan is transferred to the new owner and approved by U.S.C.G. in Washington, D.C. Captain Burdian agreed there should be a solution and instructed her staff to work with us in establishing criteria for a one-time waiver process that would include insurance and a plan in place to assure protection criteria was met. This is a positive step forward.

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) has presented its draft legislative agenda to the industry for feedback. Since FWC has not filed a bill in several years, the document is extensive, including housekeeping issues as well as a few items of concern for the marine industry. Issues included new language and penalties for DUI, defining a human powered vessel, and applying regulatory expectations. Items that raised a flag, specifically include Florida Statutes Chapter 327.395 changes in the grandfathered date of requiring safe boating licenses for every operator. An implementation date is actively being discussed, but currently 2025 is proposed. The second item is a proposal to make the entire state of Florida a no discharge zone, despite lack of evidence that vessels are not compliant with current regulations or identifying areas of concern. To review the document, click here. Please do not hesitate to contact MIASF with input should any item impact your business directly.

Yacht Service Technician Apprenticeship Program Report

Yacht Service Technician Apprenticeship Program Report

This month the apprentices in the Yacht Service Technician Apprenticeship Program (YSTAP) completed their Forklift classes under the guidance of Greg Schneider with Derecktor Shipyard. The apprentices have now completed the rigging section of the course that covers heavy lifting configurations and calculating, as well as understanding different rigging hardware used to lift and move all sizes of yachts, equipment, and supplies. Upcoming apprenticeship workshops include Derecktor Shipyard for blueprint reading and machining fundamentals (hand and power tools and shop equipment) and High Seas Yacht Service presenting on marine hydraulics and running gear/alignment. The YSTAP is growing its member involvement! Please contact for more information.

Business Highlight- Rolly Marine

Business Highlight- Rolly Marine

Founded in 1966 by Roland "Rolly" Rocks, Rolly Marine Service, Inc. is still family owned and is one of the most experienced yards in Fort Lauderdale. Accommodating vessels from 70 to 150 feet, the yard features high-quality marine services, from minor maintenance and painting, to major refits, repairs, and the commissioning of new builds.

Rolly Marine’s 40+ years of service experience has built a "best of class" organization. With a direct workforce of approximately 60 and a loyal team of licensed, high-quality subcontractors, Rolly Marine Service has 100 strong in the yard at any given time.

For the past three years, Rolly Marine has turned its attention to an increasing European market, particularly, Italian-built boats. It is currently an Authorized Service Center for Azimut Yachts, Benetti, Ferretti Group, Pershing Yachts, and Sanlorenzo Yachts, and is also authorized as factory service representatives for many of the most esteemed yacht manufacturers in the industry, such as Lazzara Yachts and Westport Motoryachts. Rolly Marine Service center is gated and fenced and maintains 24-hour onsite security.

Faces in the Industry - Charlie Ernst

Faces in the Industry - Charlie Ernst

Tell us where you are from, what brought you to Florida, and how long you’ve lived here. I was raised in Miami most of my Life and attended Miami Central Senior High, graduated from Barry University with a Bachelors’ Degree, majored in Business and Marketing. I worked for 43 years in broadcast television until I retired in 2008 to start Dockside Corporate Services, a yacht concierge service.

Where do you work, what is your job title, and what does your job entail?

I am the co-owner and president of Dockside Corporate Services, Inc. Dockside’s major business is the staffing and management of the Guest Services Operations for Informa, the producer of the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, the Miami Boat Show, and the Palm Beach International Boat Show.

What is your favorite or most valuable benefit of membership in MIASF?

The most valuable benefit of being an MIASF member is having the opportunity to partner and work with or for other members. When we joined MIASF in 2008, we were new to the marine business community and had no idea of the impact that the industry had on the local economy. We have gained new friends and embraced a whole new world we never would have thought we would be thrust into.

I’m proud to be a major part of the MIASF Plywood Regatta. I have been a committee member for 10 years and Dockside has been a Team Sponsor for the same amount of time. The yearly event is very near and dear to my heart and absolutely the most rewarding experience.

Describe any other community organizations or events with which you are involved.

When not boat show planning, I devote time to serving as a member of the City of North Miami Planning Commission. I have been a board member for over 20 years. For the last 2 years I have taken on the role as the Chairman.

Tell us about your hobbies and what kinds of things you do for fun.

I try to stay committed to my daily afternoon 2-mile jog to stay in shape. Gone are my days of being actively involved in an adult basketball league, playing and coaching softball, and powerboat racing. I try to follow my beloved Miami Hurricanes football team, the Miami Heat, Florida Panthers, and of course, the Miami Marlins. I grew up loving every major sport.



MIASF and Informa are very pleased that the 61st annual Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show will go on with support from government officials in both Broward County and the City of Fort Lauderdale. At a recent Broward County Commission meeting, commissioners provided clear direction to County Administrator Bertha Henry to approve the show.

In 2019, the show generated an economic impact of $1.3 billion to the state of Florida and more than 8,000 full-time jobs were associated with the show. FLIBS is an opportunity to jumpstart the local and state economy through direct sales, as well as hotel stays, transportation, dining, and recreation. Our land-based businesses benefit from the show just as much as our marine businesses. We are pleased our local officials continue to recognize the importance of this event and have given us their full support to move forward.

MIASF and Informa have devoted significant effort to safeguard participants of the show. Attendees can expect a contactless ticketing system, multiple new entrances, widened docks to widths up to 30 feet, thermo imaging systems for temperature checks, and high velocity sanitization systems with HEPA filters.

With the new AllSecure standards in place, FLIBS will follow the GBAC (Global Biorisk Advisory Council) standards for enhanced cleaning, including undergoing deep cleaning with disinfection each hour on all high touch points during show operating hours and after each day’s events.

Face coverings will be required by exhibitors and attendees. CDC signage will be posted throughout the show and in high traffic areas. Customer lines will be spaced out with visual markers every 6-feet, including at entrances, restrooms, and food and beverage stands, among others. Hygiene stations will also be installed throughout and safety ambassadors will assist with compliance.

MIASF FLIBS News - NBC Sports Network

MIASF FLIBS News - NBC Sports Network

For the first time, the Greater Fort Lauderdale Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVB) and the Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport (FXE) have partnered with MIASF and Informa to help sponsor the NBC Sports Network one-hour special broadcast that will air on the last day of the show, November 1st, at 4:30 p.m. 2020 is the third year in a row that NBCSN will produce a one-hour FLIBS special, but the first year that it will be aired during the show. With the participation of the CVB and FXE, the special will also showcase the South Florida lifestyle, beaches, attractions, restaurants, and more, highlighting the area’s many tourism and hospitality options.



To help visitors, exhibitors, vendors, and crew understand the major health and safety changes expected at this year’s Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, MIASF and Informa are illustrating the new measures through a series of informative videos, like these:

·         Know Before You Go

·         Getting Back to Business Safely

More videos will be released soon to keep everyone aware and up to date on the latest protocols that will be enforced at the show. The videos will be shared via social media, email, and YouTube.

MIASF FLIBS News - Tickets

MIASF FLIBS News - Tickets

As always, MIASF members will receive two free FLIBS tickets and receive a discounted member rate when purchasing additional tickets for employees, family, and friends. It is important to note, however, that due to Informa’s implementation of new safety guidelines, all tickets will be delivered electronically only and can be redeemed at any FLIBS entrance gate via a smart device. This “contactless” system does not allow for printed tickets. Tickets will be sent in October to the Bundle Administrator on record.

MIASF FLIBS News - Hospitality Lounge/Daily Lunch

MIASF FLIBS News - Hospitality Lounge/Daily Lunch

This year, MIASF will charter South Beach Lady to serve as the MIASF Hospitality Lounge and its FLIBS headquarters for the five days of the show. While this is not a vessel MIASF has chartered previously, its resemblance to the boat used in the past will make for a smooth transition. In addition to MIASF staff, NBC Sports Network personnel and talent will also be accommodated onboard while they are filming the third annual FLIBS one-hour special.    

Due to Broward County Emergency Order restrictions, complementary daily lunch tickets onboard the MIASF Hospitality Lounge will be limited to only MIASF Members who are exhibiting in the show and Anchor Members. Members not exhibiting at FLIBS will be able to purchase lunch at the discounted member price of $35 per person. A maximum number of people will be permitted in the dining room at one time, seated to allow for physical distancing recommendations. Additional details will be provided as the dates for FLIBS get closer. Member lunch will not be available on Wednesday, October 28th, but will be served Thursday, October 29th through Sunday, November 1st.  

MIASF News - Harbormaster Appreciation Day

MIASF News - Harbormaster Appreciation Day

October 8th is the 2nd annual Harbormaster Appreciation Day! There are no rules for how best to show your local harbormaster how much you appreciate their dedication and hard work, however, here are a few ideas from US Harbors:

·         Follow US Harbors on Facebook to win prizes for you and your harbormaster

·         Encourage members of your community to thank your harbormaster in person

·         Give your harbormaster a shout-out on social media and include their name and the tag #harbormasterday2020.

·         Take a photo of your harbormaster, or hold up a sign with your harbormaster’s name and harbor, and post it here with a personal message.

·         Email your harbormaster, or drop off a hand-written note, saying ‘thanks for the great work!’

MIASF News - U.S. Coast Guard Sector Miami

MIASF News - U.S. Coast Guard Sector Miami

The annual change of command at U.S. Coast Guard Sector Miami happens every year in June and brings fresh leadership that is eager to keep our area safe and secure. MIASF is fortunate that Captain Jo-Ann Burdian is continuing in her role as Captain of the Port, as her understanding of the unique challenges of the yachting industry has been helpful at every turn, particularly during the COVID-19 lock down. In an ongoing effort to keep her crew knowledgeable about the industry, she encouraged four members to take an educational tour of the New River last month.

The tour was hosted by Bill Walker of Water Taxi and his new assistant manager, Greg Farley. The U.S. Coast Guard was represented by CDR Steve Elliot/Chief of Prevention, LCDR Chris Briggs/Chief of Inspections, LT Sam Rodriguez/Chief of Waterways Management, and Mr. Jose Ramirez. MIASF could not have asked for a better group to learn more about the marine industry.

The tour started at the train bridge and offered an opportunity for those in attendance to discuss a few regulatory items while the boat navigated up the New River. As it reached Florida turn, CDR Elliot asked if many big boats came up the river – exactly the reason for the tour and the answer was apparent as the boat approached Lauderdale Marine Center, which was filled to near capacity. Stopping briefly at Bradford Marine, MIASF board member, Julie Berry, introduced everyone to the new owners, John and Michael Kelly. Past MIASF Board of Directors chairman, Jim Naugle, had the opportunity to show MIASF’s guests the challenges that the I-595 expansion is presenting to navigation underneath the bridge and the maintenance/painting of the S.R. 84 bridge. The item of most importance to the U.S. Coast Guard was how to get the word out regarding the timely reporting of the notice of arrival. Failure to comply is subject to a fine of up to $94,219, and currently there are more than a dozen cases being investigated. The tour was a success and good communication continues with the next generation of sector Miami leaders.

MIASF News - HANDY Virtual Event

MIASF News - HANDY Virtual Event

As part of its ongoing workforce/education efforts and outreach, on September 30th MIASF will host a virtual event for 45-60 youth, ages 12 to 25, within three sites of the HANDY Program. (HANDY is an acronym for Helping Abused Neglected and Disadvantaged Youth in foster and relative/nonrelative care associated with the child dependency system.) The virtual event will start with a broad overview of the marine industry before transitioning into a panel discussion to explore different careers in the industry. Confirmed panelists include:

·         Ionna Hernandez – Business Development Manager, Yachts of International Registries, Inc.

·         Richard Grennen – President/CEO of FHG Marine Engineering, Inc.

·         Erena Fridman – Derecktor Shipyard Yacht Service Technician Apprentice

The HANDY participants will then be challenged to explore a career in the industry and, with the other youth at their site, create a commercial about a specific career, and submit the video to MIASF. The submissions will be judged, a winner will be selected, and prizes will be awarded.

Member News - Sirocco Marine

Member News - Sirocco Marine

Sirocco Marine announced last month that it has hired a new manager for its Fort Lauderdale dealership. Luke Svanberg will oversee operations at the 72,000-square-foot facility, which is the largest dedicated inflatable-boat dealership in the United States and one of the largest in the world.

Svanberg is an experienced manager with more than 25 years of experience in the marine industry. He served as tender sales manager and retail operations manager for Nautical Ventures Marine Center in Dania Beach, Florida, and as director of retail operations and retail store manager for Pryde Group Americas in Miami and Fort Lauderdale. Svanberg earned a business administration degree from the State University of New York, where he also studied economics and finance.

MIASF News - Pathways to Essential Careers

MIASF News - Pathways to Essential Careers

The Greater Fort Lauderdale Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with the Downtown Council and Education/Workforce Development Council, hosted Pathways to Essential Careers via Zoom on September 24th. MIASF’s vice president, Lori Wheeler, participated in the panel discussion focused on providing vital information on high-paying careers that do not require a four-year degree. The event was designed for parents, students searching for a career path, or those in the community who are coping with loss of work.

Member News - Children's Diagnostic & Treatment Center

Member News - Children's Diagnostic & Treatment Center

The Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center welcomes Sarah Duke to its Development Team as a development and communications specialist. Sarah coordinates CDTC's volunteers, including the cdtc Sunflowers and CDTC Transformers - individual groups of dedicated, like-minded volunteers and business professionals who “give back” to brighten and transform the lives of children with special needs. Sarah will also be handling events and community outreach activities.

Member News - Westport

Member News - Westport

Westport announced another successful launch of Hull #63 in the iconic 112/34m series. Delivered September 2nd at the Westport Washington Shipyard, the yacht is scheduled to be delivered to her proud owners towards the end of September 2020. The launch is significant as the yacht was completed with full respect to the COVID-19 restrictions of Washington State, and is a testament to the employees who continued to work with passion, commitment, and diligence, while adhering to safety protocols and added restrictions required amidst the pandemic.

Member News - MHG Insurance Brokers

Member News - MHG Insurance Brokers

Join MHG Insurance Brokers along with Paycor on October 7th at 2:00 p.m. to discuss today’s world of tight budgets, working from home, and unexpected protocols, as it is becoming increasingly difficult for businesses to plan for their future, let alone their bottom-line. Register for the webinar at the link below! 

Member News - IYBA

Member News - IYBA

International Yacht Brokers Association held its annual Yacht Sales Summit September 22nd through 24th, virtually this year. From 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. each day, informative sessions included brokerage photography, health and safety practices, legal questions, interviews, and updates on Yachtworld, the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, the state of the industry, and world travel. MIASF’s CEO/president Phil Purcell and Informa U.S. Boat Shows’ president, Andrew Doole, participated by delivering a comprehensive FLIBS overview.

Anchor Meeting

Anchor Meeting

This month’s MIASF Anchor Meeting featured the mayor of the city of Fort Lauderdale, Dean Trantalis, who discussed a diverse set of topics, including, the path to getting Broward County commissioners to support the boat show moving forward as a needed boost to the local and statewide economy, homelessness challenges, infrastructure improvements like a taller bascule bridge over the New River, and additional sewage treatment centers, as well as the impact of COVID-19. Nearly all Anchor Members on the Zoom call confirmed their attendance at FLIBS this year.

Member News - Pier South at Pier Sixty-Six Marina

Member News - Pier South at Pier Sixty-Six Marina

Pier South at Pier Sixty-Six Marina has undergone a transformation and now delivers full service off­erings to the superyacht community, providing the largest vessels with docking capabilities never seen

before in Fort Lauderdale. The new floating docks at Pier South allow the largest superyachts with an option to dock at a private marina and experience the world-class services, amenities, and hospitality that owners and crew have come to expect from Pier Sixty-Six. Pier South will also be a designated foreign trade zone (FTZ).

A few highlights of the new Pier South Marina include:

·         innovative dock system made up of multiple single cast concrete ­floating structures – the only system in the southeast U.S.

·         high freeboard of 36+ inches (fl­oating dock means no need to adjust lines or boarding ladders as tide ­fluctuates)

·         high load bollards and embedments to accommodate the largest superyachts

·         internal pile guide with “cushion block” technology that minimizes dock movement and absorbs wave and vessel impact energy

·         max draft of 30 feet (9.14m)

·         high volume water and pump out

·         in-dock, high volume transfer fueling

·         Up to 1000-amp power pedestals

·         High-speed wi-fi

·         Golf cart access

·         24/7 security

Upcoming Event - Maritime Monday

Upcoming Event - Maritime Monday

Mark your calendars now so that you do not miss the next Maritime Monday networking event, which will be held on October 5th beginning at 6:00 p.m. on the Zoom platform. We'll be playing fun icebreaker type games to get to know one another better and will raffle off several gift cards to Boatyard restaurant to those in attendance! Click here to RSVP. 

Past Event - Maritime Monday

Past Event - Maritime Monday

September’s Virtual Maritime Monday, held on September 14th due to the Labor Day holiday, featured a challenging and fun household scavenger hunt, with items like a fire extinguisher, a trim tilt power unit, and an egg slicer, among others. Some participants had children or spouses search for items as they Zoomed with colleagues and marine industry peers to compete for gift certificates to dine at Yot Bar & Kitchen. Congratulations to scavenger hunt winner, Chad Allen of Coastal Tank, who won a $50 gift card, and raffle winners Martine Harrison with $50 and Dick Dodge with $25. Many thanks to MIASF Board Member, Julie Berry/Marina Investments Group, for sponsoring this month’s gift cards! If you’re scavenging for pandemic friends, this is your new go-to list.

Salty Jobs

Salty Jobs

MIASF’s award-winning video series, Salty Jobs, has begun filming Season 4, using the Center for Disease Control’s recommended health and safety guidelines and protocols. Each episode highlights careers in the marine industry and showcases various jobs at every level, from trade skills to managerial to entrepreneurial. Contact  to get your company on list!

Featured Job

Lewis Marine Supply has an exciting opportunity for a self-motivated Marine Sales professional to join the growing team as an Outside Sales Representative. This position will have a heavy focus on growth as we expand in the greater Tampa region. Ideal candidate is energized to sell to new customers, bring a unique value to the market, and provide outstanding customer service and support. This is a salaried position with a commission incentive as well as an exceptional benefits package.

Outside Sales Representative Responsibilities:

Building and sustaining long-lasting relationships with new and existing customers based within an assigned sales territory. Continually meeting or exceeding sales targets.
Traveling within the territory to conduct face-to-face meetings with existing and potential customers.
Deliver excellent customer service with strong communication on customer orders, lead times and customer needs. Take immediate action on any customer issues to ensure retention of business and perform additional follow-up as needed
Developing and implementing an effective sales strategy specific to the territory and within the company standards to drive sales.
Maintaining an accurate record of all leads, customer accounts, and sales.
Researching competitors' products and pricing as well as market conditions.
Keeping abreast of the latest industry developments by attending meetings, training workshops, and industry events.
Outside Sales Representative Requirements:

Proven outside sales experience with a minimum of 3+ years of sales in Marine industry, with strong technical knowledge of boats and boating products
Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Businesses Administration, Communications, or related experience preferred
Professional w/ strong work ethic, performance driven, relationship builder
Thrive in a fast-paced work environment
Travel locally and occasionally overnight
Excellent verbal and written communication skills.
Experience with Microsoft Office Suite including Microsoft Teams as well as other virtual meeting platforms.
Demonstrate exceptional teamwork and customer service

Lewis Marine offers a competitive salary commensurate with experience and benefits package. Benefits offered include medical coverage with vision and dental as well as matching 401k. Short and Long-term disability, life insurance and paid time off are also provided.

Please email cover letter, resume and trade references to Louis Diaz 

Upcoming Events - Breakfast with the Business Journal

Upcoming Events - Breakfast with the Business Journal

MIASF and the South Florida Business Journal will host a virtual, “Breakfast with the Business Journal,” October 9th at 8:30 a.m. to launch the SFBJ 2020 Marine Industry Special Section and Book of Lists, recognizing the top 25 companies in the marine industry. MIASF Members attend free and can register here using the complimentary code: MIASF.

Did You Know?

Did You Know?

The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show generates 8,000 full time jobs!

New Members

New Members


American Nautical Services, Inc.

Charles Hays



3311 S. Andrews Ave, Suite 11

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

Phone: (954) 522-3321

Company Description: American Nautical Services specializes in e-navigation and SOLAS chapter V ECDIS navigation requirements for vessels over 500GT. Digital navigation is essential in eliminating mistakes, increasing efficiency, and improving operations – ultimately saving shipowners, management companies, captains, and crew both time and money.


Moffatt & Nichol

Kenneth Parkinson



100 West Cypress Creek Road, Suite 960

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309

Phone: (954) 622-8100

Company Description: Moffatt & Nichol is a global infrastructure advisory firm working from 42 offices and 7 countries. We provide practical solutions to clients in the marine terminal, transportation, energy, environmental, federal, and urban development markets around the world. We are a multidiscipline professional services firm with specialized expertise in structural, coastal, and civil engineering; environmental sciences; economics analysis; inspection & rehabilitation; and program management solutions.


Palm Beach Sun Charters

Timothy Cerruti



516 N Dixie Hwy

Lantana, FL 33462

Phone: (561) 461-1311

Company Description: DockyDock™ is a patented product, a PVC cover that encapsulates your boat from under the hull protecting it from barnacles and marine growth. There's a DockyDock™ available for all types of boats. No more monthly maintenance costs, No more bottom paint. Go where traditional lifts do not. You can even take it with you. Keep your boat protected no matter where you dock. This low-profile solution has marinas and condo associations everywhere embracing the perfect alternative to traditional lifts.


Professional Tank Cleaning, Inc.

Alex Pellerito



3160 NE 3rd Ave

Oakland Park, FL 33334

Phone: (954) 533-1135

Company Description: Professional Tank Cleaning is the leading superyacht tank cleaning, blasting and coating subcontractor in the USA. Boasting 20+ years. experience in the yacht repair and maintenance industry, it prides itself on having an outstanding safety record.  With trained and certified crews available 24/7, it is able to take on any yacht emergency or critical schedule project its clients have.


Reel Deal Yachts

Marcos Morjain



4441 Collins Ave

Miami Beach, FL 33140

Phone: (305) 538-2022

Company Description: For over 40 years, Reel Deal Yachts has served as a boutique brokerage for the yachting community in South Florida and the world. Reel Deal Yachts represents buyers, sellers, and charter guests. Reel Deal also offer exclusive docking in the best location for boats in the city of Miami: The Fontainebleau Marina. We are able to offer to each of our clients a personalized service, and an experience that is all about efficiency, and luxury. Let us help you embark on your next boating adventure.


The Dock Experts

John Piotrowski



4233 NE 6th Avenue

Oakland Park, FL 33334

Phone: (754) 200-4852

Company Description: The Dock Experts, LLC was founded by several local business leaders who recognized the growing need for a higher standard of customer education, service, and work quality in the marine construction industry. Our owners all have professional experience in the marine industry, finance, insurance, and construction. The Dock Experts team members all live locally and care about our community. Our goal is to be the most trusted and referred name in marine construction.