Captain's Chair: It's Not Too Much To Mask!
I hope you are enjoying the summer and doing well despite the complicating effects of the virus. The marine industry has been fortunate to remain essential and continue serving customers and clients through this changing economy. I know many of us did not expect to be entering August with the pandemic still impacting our life, but we need to think about how we continue to operate for the long term. That means things like wearing a mask, keeping six feet apart, and not gathering in large groups will have to be viewed as the cost of doing business for the time being. Honestly, it’s not too much to mask!
As Informa and MIASF begin preparing for the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, which will be held October 28th through November 1st, we have developed a newly enhanced approach to health and safety at the show, called AllSecure. Focusing on 10 key commitments that follow the official Global Bio-risk Advisory Council (GBAC), as well as official government and local authority guidance and regulations, AllSecure is a comprehensive system of cleaning and disinfection, including continuous sanitation of high-touch areas, restrooms, and food and beverage areas throughout the show, as well as physical distancing, non-contact ticketing and registration, face masks and other PPE, and temperature screening. The plan prioritizes safety and an exceptional visitor experience.
We are in our third year of working with NBC Sports Network to produce a FLIBS broadcast and are exploring additional opportunities like a potential live segment that would air on Sunday and showcase exhibitors and products, as well as the South Florida lifestyle and the abundant natural resources found here.
Understandably, COVID-19 is weighing heavily on our minds, and we remain grateful for the many healthcare and essential workers who continue to serve our community, but potential tropical disturbances churning in the Atlantic are a reminder for everyone to check on and update your business and personal hurricane plans so that you are prepared in the event of a storm making landfall here, and if possible, offer assistance to a neighbor or frontline worker who could use a helping hand.
If we’ve learned anything from this current situation, it’s that we’re all in this together.