Newsletter August 2022 Newsletter

From The Captain's Chair

From The Captain's Chair

August 2022 Newsletter

From the Captain's Chair: The Economics of the Marine Industry

When anecdotal data fails (which is often), try statistics. In this issue, I’ll lean on hard numbers in making the point that the marine industry needs to hold onto its identity rather than allow ourselves to be swept under “general outdoor recreation” in local and federal government affairs.
First, let’s take politics out of the equation. This is about numbers and the economics in Florida, specifically in the Tri-County area, and more specifically in Broward County. Numbers don’t lie – well, they can if they’re twisted. But real numbers get to the hard facts of a situation like what boating as a whole means to the state overall and to South Florida in particular.

Impact of FLIBS
Let’s start with one aspect - The Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, which is owned by MIASF. It’s a prime example of the revenue that’s generated by the marine industry for the benefit of the entire region. Last year’s 62nd show offered three million square feet of exhibit space, attracted over 100,000 attendees from 52 countries, and showcased over 1,300 boats and wares from over 1,000 exhibitors. Those are impressive numbers. But the real story is the impact the show had on Florida and on Broward.

An independent economic analysis tells the following story. The world’s largest in-water boat show generated $1.79 billion in economic output throughout the state of Florida and over 10,000 full-time jobs. Of the total sales of $899 million or $173 million per day, Florida companies accounted for $709.7 million and within that, Broward County companies contributed $233.9 million in sales of marine products. The show was also responsible for generating $85.8 million in state and local taxes ($24.5 million in Broward County alone). More importantly, much of this money came from out of the area since 61% of show visitors were from outside the Tri-County region and 49% came from outside of Florida. Think of what this one event in one industry has done for our region and its people.

Impact of the marine industry
If you broaden this view to the estimated economic impact of the entire marine industry in the region, the numbers really make a statement. In FY 2020, direct and indirect marine industry impacts for the state of Florida included $24.6 billion in output and 270,258 jobs. In Broward County alone, marine output was $9.6 billion and 120,688 jobs.

According to the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA), 100 million Americans go boating every year. In 2021, outdoor recreation accounted for $689 billion in gross economic output or 1.8% of GDP. Within that, boating is the single number one contributor with sales of nearly $31 billion.
Locally, 70% of yachts arriving internationally enter through Port Everglades, making it number one in the nation for attracting yachts, many of which are foreign flagged and bring in significant revenues. Also, Florida tops the country with 1,013,211 registered boats which need maintenance, moorage, fuel and more, so we cannot afford to lose our identity. What other industry has this kind of an impact on South Florida and why wouldn’t we want to single it out rather than bury it as part of a whole?

There has been some discussion to bring boating under the umbrella of general outdoor recreation. MIASF disagrees. Boating, RVs and even housing starts may be closely related but they’re not one and the same. Boating grows organically in the sunshine of Florida. Although COVID can take credit for the recent bump the industry received. Those days are in the rear-view mirror, so we need exposure and support as a unique industry with a substantial influence and worthy contribution. We need to band together and elect individuals to office who understand the benefits we bring and who can get granular with our infrastructure needs.

All this is a fancy way of emphasizing that the marine industry is a major mover and shaker in the region and the state, and it deserves to be recognized and allotted attention and funds as its own entity. Yes, we’re part of outdoor recreation, however our voice needs to ring out loud and clear because we’re the same but different. Our industry is important and relevant, and our message cannot be lost. We must advocate in unison to be heard.

YSTAP Report August 2022

YSTAP Report August 2022

This month, both the first year and the second-year students continue to work in the carpentry module of the curriculum, taught by Anthony Minimi. Mr. Minimi is the carpentry instructor at Atlantic Technical College and has been a tremendous supporter of our program. 

While each apprentice may be working on a different proficiency during their on-the-job training with their respective employer, in the classroom, they are in full swing on their next project. The apprentices are completing the drafts for their cabinet project; working on project plans and cutting sides and supports.

They are learning how to use specific carpentry tools and cutting the plywood on sawhorses that they each designed and built themselves. 

We are very close to securing a new instructor, stay tuned for the update! 

We are also beginning the recruitment for our next class, which begins January 2023. We are in the very beginning stage but if you are interested in hiring a new employee to send to the program, sending one of your newer employees or want to send a current employee to gain additional skills, please don’t hesitate to reach out to to secure your spot or if you have any questions.

Advocacy Report August 2022

Advocacy Report August 2022

The MIASF team started out the summer with a get to know you meeting with Fort Lauderdale’s new city manager Greg Chavarria. He began his new position on July 23rd although he has been with the city since 2020 as an assistant city manager. Greg was very open and knowledgeable as we discussed a few industry concerns which naturally included the New River crossing bridge/tunnel. For the record the industry position is no build is not an option and the bridge option can be no lower than 40ft clearance as navigability of the New River is obviously critical to our boatyards upriver. The manatee plan slip shortage by area designation and the need for dredging in the New River were among the items we also touched on. City staff will be meeting once a month with MIASF team to continue these discussions.

MIASF has learned that a waterway tour of the New River and the boatyards is a great way to introduce people to the scope of the marine industry. With Water Taxi, who is always a willing partner, we were able to host an impressive collection of guests in August. The new Captain of the Port, Chris Cederholm and his staff joined us, COPT is responsible for the Coast Guard at sector Miami which covers Miami to Fort Pierce and is the regulatory authority on area bridge operations. Our new Broward County Commissioner (because of redistricting) Beam Furr was along to learn more about new businesses he now represents. Asst Executive Director of Florida Inland Navigation District Janet Zimmerman and Dan Romance representing the Marine Industries Association of the Treasure Coast joined the tour to learn more about the train and boats sharing the waterway as the St Lucie bridge is moving closer to the same amount of rail traffic that South Florida sees daily as Brightline prepares to start service to Orlando in early 2023. Ken Hall, General Manager from Florida Dispatch Co was on hand to explain how the guaranteed predictable opening is proving to be a workable solution most of the time. Brightline is beta testing a new app which should give a real time schedule of the bridge operation. The app is called Bridge Schedule and can be downloaded from the app store. It will ultimately have access to all bridges the train impacts.

The Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary has a plan out for public comment. There is an item that is included which brings up a good opportunity to talk about vessel restrictions. Much of the sanctuary prohibits entry by vessels over 50 meters/167 ft. It is a federal offense, and it is important yacht captain pay close attention to the designated areas. The proposed plan expands the area to further protect the reef.

Business Highlight: F3 Marina

Business Highlight: F3 Marina

F3 Marina officially opened their doors in October of 2021 and has been making waves since then. F3 is a fully automated drystack marina located along the Seminole Canal and 16th Street in Fort Lauderdale. Noah Dermody, Director of Membership and Events at MIASF, had the opportunity to tour their state-of-the-art facilities and learn about how their marina operates. F3 features a 240-rack, hurricane protected, facility that can accommodate vessels up to 46 feet in length, 20 feet in height, and a 13-foot beam.  The marina works hard to make the boating experience as convenient and stress free as possible, so they strive for excellent customer service while providing a range of on-site amenities for their customers. Their computerized crane has the ability to retrieve a single boat in less than 5 minutes, making the process efficient and allowing you to spend more quality time on the water with friends and family. From multiple lounge areas to mobile app launch requesting, on-site fuel service and more, F3 Marina has created a great atmosphere for their customers. Check out their website to learn more about the F3 experience. 

MIASF Attends Apprenticeship Summit 2022

MIASF Attends Apprenticeship Summit 2022

Lori Wheeler and Megan Piggott attended the 2022 Apprenticeship Summit hosted by CareerSource Broward at the Signature Grand. The agenda began with a welcome from CEO/President of CareerSource Broward, Carol Hylton, and a keynote address by Eric Seleznow, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary USDOL Employment and Training Administration. Eric spoke briefly on the history of apprenticeships in the United States, the difference between apprenticeships and internships, and his knowledge and experience about workforce development from his perspective of working with the USDOL.

Following the address, there were two breakout panel sessions to attend – Apprenticeships: Your Talent Gateway and Apprenticeships: How Can This Help My Bottom Line. MIASF Board Director, Katie Hagan, with FHG Marine Engineering was on one of the panels and was able to share her company’s experience participating in our Yacht Service Technician Apprenticeship Program and the reimbursement wage program offered by CareerSource Broward. The additional exposure about the program to an audience of business professionals across all industries was very positive and will help the program continue to grow as it prepares to enter its fourth year.

Member Showcase Event

Member Showcase Event

At this month's Member Connect event, a dozen MIASF members showcased their businesses to all in attendance. Over light bites and drinks, attendees mixed and mingled with one another while also learning about the businesses of some of their fellow members. In addition, attendees heard from three presenters about community projects currently in the works and the impact it will have on our industry. Kevin Kelleher of Broward County presented about the redevelopment plans for the Broward County Convention Center and what citizens have to look forward to when the project is complete. Colin Kiley of Bradford Marine and Emily Burchwell of Safe Harbor Marinas each presented about the ongoing projects they have going on at their respective yards. With the showcasing members and informative presentations, attendees left the event with new networks and valuable insight into our industry and community. 

Member Mingle at Frank & Jimmies

Member Mingle at Frank & Jimmies

In July, MIASF members were invited to Frank & Jimmie’s Propeller Shop for a Member Mingle. What has become an annual tradition, the industry turned out to this event with more than 200 people in attendance to network, play some games, tour the shop, and see some demonstrations. Tarpon River Brewing stepped in to cater the event which featured beer and wine and passed light bites featuring tuna that was personally caught by one of Frank & Jimmie’s team members. With the community in mind, attendees brought school supply donations to support the Children’s Diagnostic & Treatment Center and the hundreds of kids they help work with and take care of at their organization.  

Megan Piggott Joins Leadership Broward Class XLI

Megan Piggott Joins Leadership Broward Class XLI

MIASF is proud to announce that Megan Piggott, Director of Marketing & Workforce Development, has been accepted to Leadership Broward Class XLI. Leadership Broward is a year-long program to further develop personal leadership skills and build public awareness about the entire Broward County community. Following the opening retreat, Megan will take part in one program day a month on different themes and complete a community project with fellow classmates. For the past two years, MIASF did not have candidates to complete the program on the team who met the age requirements, so the team sponsored Christie Harrison of Frank & Jimmie’s Propeller and Laura Pujols of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Broward County to complete the program. Vice President of MIASF, Lori Wheeler, is also a graduate of the program. She found her experience very rewarding, from networking with business leaders outside of our industry to the community project she completed, the relationships she’s built are extremely valuable.

FLIBS Debuts on New TV Network

FLIBS Debuts on New TV Network

For the past 4 years, NBC Sports has produced a 1-hour special about the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show from a partnership built between MIASF, Informa Markets, and Short Shoot TV. The TV special received increasing views each year and helped continue to build the awareness of the show, the marine industry, and the greater Fort Lauderdale community.
FLIBS, along with MIASF and Informa Markets, are excited to announce that this year’s special will debut on FOX Sports Network. Details about when the show will air, the hosts of the show, and more will be announced soon. 

Marine Research Hub Receives State Funding

Marine Research Hub Receives State Funding

The Marine Research Hub, an initiative started by MIASF along with its community partners and local universities has officially received funding from the state of Florida. After many years of pursuing this goal, Governor DeSantis officially passed the funding to assist the Marine Research Hub in furthering its mission to secure Florida’s blue economy. Achieving this success would not have been possible without Representative Chip LaMarca leading the way and being a consistent supporter of the marine industry and MRH. The funds were officially presented to the Marine Research Hub at the Member Mingle hosted at Frank & Jimmie’s Propeller Shop by Representative LaMarca. 

8th Annual South Florida Business Journal Special Marine Section

8th Annual South Florida Business Journal Special Marine Section

The Special Marine Section in the South Florida Business Journal, featuring the Book of Lists, will be published for its 8th year in a row built on an extremely valuable partnership formed between MIASF and SFBJ. This special section, released each year in October leading up to the Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show, plays a pivotal role in solidifying the marine industry’s strong leadership position in our community. Included in the publication is the release of the Book of Lists which memorializes the leading marine industry businesses in terms of both revenue and number of employees for the year. To be included on one of these prestigious lists, your company will have by now received a survey from Eman Elshahawy at We encourage you to complete the survey and if your company is interested in any additional sponsorship opportunities in this publication to contact Yasmine Gahed at The South Florida Business Journal is distributed to a wide range of subscribers including CEOs, executives, entrepreneurs, and investors.
And don’t forget to save the date! The Special Marine Section will be released at the annual Breakfast with the Business Journal hosted at the Flagship Room at the MIASF Office on Friday, October 14th. The invitation will be sent out shortly and MIASF Members will receive a promo code to waive the registration fee.

MIASF Represents at FFEA Conference

MIASF Represents at FFEA Conference

At the end of August, Megan Piggott and Noah Dermody attended the 28th Annual Florida Festivals & Events Association (FFEA) Conference in Orlando, Florida. Over the 3-day conference, the duo learned about the latest trends in the event industry and collaborated with peers in a series of breakout sessions and peer discussion groups. Additionally, they built relationships with leaders in the industry and beyond at networking events held throughout the conference. Megan and Noah returned to the office with a lot of new ideas, knowledge, and insights that our team looks forward to implementing to enhance some of our events throughout the year.

Lori Wheeler Visits Great Lakes Boat Building School

Lori Wheeler Visits Great Lakes Boat Building School

Vice President of MIASF, Lori Wheeler, visited the Great Lakes Boat Building School in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, a 12,000 sq foot waterfront facility located along the northern shore of Lake Huron in the Lew Cheneaux Islands. The locally funded school was started 16 years ago and is in the midst of a capital campaign to grow their facility to add more workers to the marine industry workforce. Their long-term plan is to build a second 10,000 sq ft building to expand enrollment and the ability to develop additional curriculum tracks.
During her visit, she was able to witness the students in full work mode, where they are trained to restore, build, service, bid projects, and are also taught soft skills. Focused mainly on wooden boats, the school is partnered with Mercury Marine and engaging with American Boat and Yacht Council (ABYC) for specific certifications. GLBBS has also developed a Marine Service Technology program and in Fall 2024 will introduce a Marine Electronics program, the first of its kind in the nation. All of the comprehensive programs are popular with full enrollment and a wait list. Tuition is in the $22,000 range plus board and miscellaneous fees. It’s a one-year course, over three semesters, and in their words, “1 promising career”.  While most of their students are from the Michigan/Great Lakes area, they do boast an occasional international student and an average of 30% of each class are veterans.
Workforce development in the marine industry has always been a challenge and it is critical for the customer/boater to have reliable and knowledgeable service support to keep them in boating. From brokerage to the boatyard, the Great Lakes Boat Building School and their community has shown us the formula for success is passion, commitment, and time.

Member News: Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show Announces Economic Numbers

Member News: Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show Announces Economic Numbers

The annual Presidents Day Weekend event welcomed 100,000 visitors to Miami and Miami Beach, cementing the show’s legacy as a key economic engine and tourism booster for the Sunshine State
The 2022 Discover Boating® Miami International Boat Show® made waves across the Sunshine State and South Florida in February. In a new economic impact report conducted by Thomas J. Murray & Associates, the 2022 event – which is a joint production from Informa Markets, the NMMA, and the International Yacht Brokers Association (IYBA) – generated more than $955 million, created over 5,000 jobs, and attracted 100,000 visitors during its five-day run over Presidents Day Weekend. 

“As the producers of the Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show, Informa Markets is proud to bring an event to South Florida that not only engages visitors, residents, and patrons of the marine industry, but also serves as an unmatched economic engine for the State of Florida. The results of this economic impact study motivate us to continue producing an event that benefits Florida jobs and businesses,” said Andrew Doole, president of U.S. boat shows with Informa Markets. “This successful event could not have been achieved without the great collaboration and partnership from the National Marine Manufacturers Association and the International Yacht Brokers Association.” 

Key figures from the 2022 economic impact report include:

  • The 2022 Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show generated an estimated $955.6 million in economic impact throughout the state of Florida, resulting from marine industry sales and travel/entertainment expenditures by Boat Show exhibitors and attendees
  • 5,000 full-time and part-time jobs throughout Florida, associated with a state-wide personal income impact output of $315 million
  • Total estimated sales for exhibitors during the Boat Show reached $642 million

Total sales and local taxes generated state-wide because of the Boat Show were an estimated $49.07 million The Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show also provides a direct boost to Florida’s tourism and travel industry:

  • 100,000 visitors attended the Boat Show
  • 41% of the visitors were from out of state
  • The average expenditure by out-of-town visitors (hotels, restaurants, entertainment, transportation, etc.) at the Boat Show was $321 per day
  • Overall local expenditures from out-of-town visitors (guests & exhibitors) totaled an estimated $42.9 million

“The boating public looks to Miami each year for an opportunity to see and feel what’s new in boating,” said Paul Flannery, chief operating officer of the International Yacht Brokers Association. “The combined efforts of IYBA, NMMA, and Informa has brought forward a platform that not only answers their needs but contributes greatly to the local and statewide economy. Thousands of families depend on the business generated and income provided by DBMIBS, and we are fortunate to contribute to this industry in such a fantastic way.” 
The economic impact of the 2022 Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show is reflective of the extraordinary demand for recreational boating and yachting over the past two years as well as growing interest in outdoor recreation. 

“The Discover Boating Miami International Boat Show is a showcase of the best in boating, providing a world-class, one-of-a-kind experience for our attendees, exhibitors and partners, while generating vital spending and jobs both locally and state-wide,” said Frank Hugelmeyer, president of the National Marine Manufacturers Association. “Boating and DBMIBS remain big business for Florida—perennially the top state in the U.S. for both boat sales and boat registrations—and following two years of tremendous industry growth, we expect boat sales this year to be healthy, on par with or above pre-pandemic levels, with forward order books strong as dealer inventory continues to catch up to meet extraordinary demand for boating.” 

Member News: MarineMax Promotes Jim Connor

Member News: MarineMax Promotes Jim Connor

MarineMax announced the promotion of Jim Connor to vice president, leading the company’s Naples, Fla., operations.
Connor joined MarineMax in 2008. He is the former service manager and general manager at MarineMax Ohio and has been general manager at Naples for the past 10 years, the company said in a statement. 
“Under his leadership, Jim has developed an extremely strong team, demonstrated by their continued exceptional performance and loyal customers,” said Kyle Langbehn, MarineMax president of retail operations. “The Naples team is dedicated to our customers’ experiences throughout the buying process that continues long after the purchase of the boat.”
MarineMax Naples is Boston Whaler’s No. 1 dealer in the world, the statement said.

Member News: U.S. Coast Guard Recreational Boating Statistics

Member News: U.S. Coast Guard Recreational Boating Statistics

With the pandemic putting more people than ever on the water and consequent rise in boating accidents and fatalities, there’s some better news in the newly released 2021 U.S. Coast Guard Recreational Boating Statistics.
The latest Coast Guard report shows double-digit declines year-over-year across the board in the main boating safety indicators: Boating accidents dropped 15.7%, injuries decreased 17.2%, and fatalities dropped 14.2%. The 2021 fatality rate decreased to 5.5 deaths per 100,000 registered recreational vessels, a 15.4% reduction from 6.5 deaths per 100,000 in 2020.
“The new report shows a dramatic decrease in injuries and fatalities, more than I can recall in recent memory,” said BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water president Chris Edmonston. “However, even with Covid restrictions lifted and boating no longer one of the few ways to recreate with the family, operator inexperience remains one of the top risk factors contributing to accidents.” Operator inattention, improper lookout, machinery failure and excessive speed round out the list.
“The need to focus on these five boating safety basics and the continued need for boating safety education has not changed,” added Edmonston.
What’s influencing these latest boating safety numbers? “We’re unsure if this latest data is an anomaly or a trend, but we believe the increasing number of states requiring mandatory boating safety education, as well as states requiring education for a greater portion of their boating citizens, is having a positive effect,” said Edmonston. He also notes, however, that paddlecraft operators remain a concern, as they typically don’t have any requirements for education before hitting the water. Where the data was known, 2021 statistics show that 15% of deaths were attributed to kayaks — unchanged from the year prior.

Member News: Suntex Marinas Acquires The Wharf

Member News: Suntex Marinas Acquires The Wharf

Suntex Marina Investors last week announced that it acquired The Wharf, a marina in Marathon, Fla., in the Keys. The company plans an extensive renovation of the property, which it plans to relaunch as Ocean View Marina. 

“In just the short year that we’ve owned Faro Blanco, we’ve seen the incredible draw of this region, and when we got the opportunity to acquire the facility a mile down the road, we had to take it,” Suntex Marinas investments partner David Filler said in a statement. “We are looking forward to taking the reins and completing the construction.”

In addition to The Wharf and Faro Blanco, the company owns two other marinas in the Keys: Caloosa Cove and Garrison Bight.
MarineMax yesterday announced in a statement that it appointed Margriet Mitchell brand marketing manager for the Azimut, Cruisers and Ocean Alexander brands.
Mitchell has 20 years of marketing management experience in luxury goods and services, including as marketing director for Jeanneau and Prestige Yachts.
MarineMax said Mitchell serves on the boards of the Marine Marketers of America and Sail America, and is a 2015 recipient of the TWIN Award, which recognizes women “who have made significant contributions to industry in managerial, executive, supervisory and/or professional roles.”

Member News: MarineMax Acquires IGY Marinas

Member News: MarineMax Acquires IGY Marinas

MarineMax, Inc. today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement to acquire Island Global Yachting LLC (IGY Marinas), which owns and operates a collection of marina assets and a yacht management platform in key global yachting destinations. 
MarineMax will acquire IGY Marinas for $480 million in cash, with an additional potential earnout of up to $100 million two years after closing, subject to the achievement of defined performance metrics. IGY Marinas, through recent acquisitions and organic growth, is projected to generate over $100 million of revenue in calendar 2022. 
Subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions, MarineMax expects the acquisition to close in the first half of fiscal 2023 and to be accretive within the first twelve months of closing. IGY Marinas will maintain its luxury branding that is well recognized as best-in-class in the global marina and superyacht communities. Tom Mukamal, CEO of IGY Marinas, and the IGY Marinas existing management team will continue to lead the growth and operations of the business.
IGY Marinas offers a global network of 23 curated marinas in the Americas, the Caribbean, and Europe, delivering year-round customer touchpoints. IGY Marinas caters to a wide variety of luxury yachts, while also being exclusive home ports for some of the world’s largest megayachts. The network of marinas is further bolstered by its exclusive Trident superyacht membership program, expansive service offerings, and comprehensive yacht management platform. In addition, IGY Marinas is a venue for exclusive events such as the Cannes Yachting Festival, Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity, Superyacht Miami, and Art Basel. IGY Marinas is unique in that its scale and strategic geographic footprint enables it to provide vertically integrated services to superyacht customers as they travel to popular destinations. 
“We are delighted to announce our acquisition of IGY Marinas, a transformative transaction for MarineMax, that significantly strengthens our ability to provide the best customer experience to yacht owners around the world,” said W. Brett McGill, Chief Executive Officer and President of MarineMax. “The addition of IGY Marinas positions MarineMax as the preeminent leader in the superyacht industry—the only company able to offer an integrated experience coupling high value superyacht berthing and marina services in premier locations with exclusive superyacht service offerings. Moreover, this investment continues to diversify our business mix with not only higher margins, but also a larger geographic footprint, especially in highly desired destinations in the Mediterranean and the Caribbean.” 
McGill continued, “We are very pleased to strategically expand with IGY Marinas and have tremendous respect for their outstanding management team for building a high-quality real estate portfolio of luxury marinas with extraordinary growth potential. IGY has experienced significant recent growth, as its brand has become sought-after by yacht owners, as well as public and private marina owners worldwide. This investment aligns with our ongoing strategic acquisition plan, including our superyacht business, to selectively expand our service offerings with acquisitions of high growth, high margin businesses. Furthermore, we strongly believe that IGY Marinas will offer our Fraser Yachts and Northrop & Johnson current and future superyacht customers the opportunity to enhance their yachting experiences by providing them access to the world’s only superyacht marina network.”
“We are excited to join the MarineMax Family and its experienced management team,” said Tom Mukamal, CEO of IGY Marinas. “MarineMax brings significant resources, synergies, and competitive advantages to our business amplifying our potential for both organic and inorganic growth. With IGY’s irreplaceable destination portfolio, demonstrated track record of successful acquisitions and a robust pipeline, we are confident in our collective ability to strengthen and build on our position as the global leader in superyacht and luxury marina destinations and related services.”
As stated above, MarineMax expects the transaction to close in the first half of fiscal 2023, subject to the satisfaction of customary closing conditions. The transaction will be financed through MarineMax’s recently completed expansion of its credit facilities and cash on hand.  
The MarineMax service team while attending their National Service Managers meeting collaborated and worked as a team to build bikes for the Florida Department of Children and Families (DCF). Seven deserving families in the community received the finished bikes. 
“This years’ service meeting was a great experience for everyone involved, we got to help the community, meet new faces and collaborate with one another," Andy Rishovd, National Service and Parts Manager said. "I look forward to this meeting every year and can’t wait to see the difference we can make next year as well.” 
The National Service Managers meeting is an annual meeting for service managers to come together as a team to discuss company initiatives, collaborate, and work together for a good cause. This year there were about 70 managers in attendance. This year they worked together on coming up with goals for the upcoming year on their new initiative Labor Growth Plan tool that will be implemented at each store.  
They choose to build bikes for DCF this year thanks to the Innisbrook Resort, which helped accommodate the event. The entire group was split into seven teams to see who could build their bike the fastest. Each team had to answer certain service questions correctly before they were given the proper tools to build their bikes. 
Once finishing a speaker from DCF spoke to the group about the program and described the local families that will receive the bikes. DCF is a department in the local community that helps to protect the vulnerable, promote strong and economically self-sufficient families, and advance personal and family recovery.

Upcoming Events in 2022

Upcoming Events in 2022

Miami River Boat Tour (September Member Connect) – Wednesday, September 14th 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
            Location: Miami Lady (401 Biscayne Blvd Miami, FL)
            Register here (Cost is $40 per person and includes buffet lunch)

U.S. Coast Guard Safe Boating Class – Saturday, September 17th 8:00 am – 4:00 pm
            Location: MIASF Office (221 SW 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL)
            Register by emailing Glenn Wiltshire at (Course cost is $50)

Breakfast with the Business Journal – Friday, October 14th 8:30 am – 10:00 am
            Location: The Flagship Room at the MIASF Office (221 SW 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL)
            Register here

63rd Annual Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show – October 26 – 30, 2022

Salty Jobs - 40th Episode!

Salty Jobs - 40th Episode!

The Beatles once said ‘Diamonds Are Forever’ but it’s all about the ruby right now as Salty Jobs is set to release its 40th episode of the series! In this latest episode of Salty Jobs, host Megan Piggott boards Summer Wind with Charter One Yachts as a First Mate to help the crew prepare for a charter celebrating a 50th birthday. It’s not all a party, however, as getting a charter boat ready for guests is all about the details and checklists. You will be able to catch the episode on the Salty Jobs website and on YouTube soon!


As always, if you are a member of MIASF and interested in showcasing one of your salty jobs, reach out to Megan at for more information. 

Featured Job: Sales Rep, Southern Boating Magazine

Featured Job: Sales Rep, Southern Boating Magazine

Southern Boating Media – Sales Representative

Job Description: Southern Boating Media, a well-established, full-service media company with multi-platform offerings in the marine industry, is looking for a sales representative to identify and work with potential clients to address their advertising and marketing needs. The representative will be responsible for acquiring new clients by communicating the benefits of various types of advertising we provide to our customers to help their businesses grow. The representative will develop a healthy working relationship with the client and ensure that they are satisfied with their advertising products and services.

Location: Remote

Part-Time or Full-Time: Full Time

Pay: Base + Commission

Qualifications: Prior sales experience within the marine field is required

Benefits: Health, short-term/long-term disability, dental, vision, flexible work schedule

How to Apply: Contact James Anderson at 954-522-5515 or

Did You Know... Salty Jobs???

Did You Know... Salty Jobs???

Did You Know… as a benefit of being an MIASF member, your company can showcase one of your industry jobs on our Salty Jobs video series at no cost to you!

Welcome Aboard New Members in August 2022!

Welcome Aboard New Members in August 2022!

Ken Morris
401 East Las Olas Blvd. Suite 1850
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: (954) 760-4848
Company Description We’re a world leader in real estate services, powered by an entrepreneurial spirit. We want the most ambitious clients to work with us, and the most ambitious people to work for us. It’s as simple as that.
We buy, build, occupy and invest in a variety of assets including industrial, commercial, retail, residential and hotel real estate. From tech startups to global firms, our clients span industries including banking, energy, healthcare, law, life sciences, manufacturing, and technology.
Business Category: 
Real Estate / Developers
Devin Van Houten 
2400 E Commercial Boulevard Suite 600
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33308
Phone: 347-409-7714
Company Description: Commercial Insurance Advisor with a specialization in marine risk.
Business Category: 
Insurance - Business
Insurance - Health
Insurance – Marine
Hubbell Inc.
Aubrey Miree
40 Waterview Dr.
Shelton, CT 06484
Phone: (800) 992-7030
Company Description: Hubbell is making waves in the marine devices industry with Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems marine market products.
Drawing on over a century of commitment to innovation and quality, Hubbell Wiring Device-Kellems, an industry leader, is dedicated to developing and delivering marine products that improve performance, safety, and functionality. We are dedicated to developing and delivering marine products so that boat builders and boat captains can feel at ease while on the water. Most of our marine devices are made in the United States and are UL listed, CSA approved, and CE certified.
Business Category: 
David Di Meco
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316
Phone: 954-658-8376
Company Description: Make Water From Your Plotter! Relax, We Make Water....Easier. 
HP Watermakers is the first and only worldwide company having interfaced with Part-NET its own full automatic watermakers directly to all MFD plotters available on the market. 
For over 30 years, HP Watermakers has been making the world's finest watermakers.
Fort Lauderdale Quick Ship Watermakers - Parts - Service 
Warehouse & Showrooms: Fort Lauderdale, Italy, France, Turkey, Dubai, South Africa, Maldives
Business Category: 
Water / Air Purification
Desalinators / Watermakers
Harbor Tours, Inc.
David Jordan 
440 North New River Drive East
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Phone: 954-768-9920
Company Description: Harbor Tours of Fort Lauderdale since 1991
Business Category: 
Dinner Cruises / Tours
AcryliCo Inc
Carlos Cavanagh
2633 Lantana RD #6
Lantana, FL 33460
Phone: 561-304-2921
Company Description: AcryliCo is an award winning supplier of boat windshields windows and storage solutions for manufacturers of original marine equipment. From the simplest to the most complex, our technical resources can afford you complete flexibility and help you develop very specific requirements for your next boat model.
Business Category: 
Specialty Products
Glass / Plastics
Window Treatments
Tri Sea Stabilizers
Barbara Kornegay
2200 Marina Bay Drive East
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33312
Phone: 504-450-8044
Company Description: We are Florida's only Seakeeper Elite Dealer, who specializes in one thing and one thing only.  We offer the very best in Boat and Yacht Stabilizers, and the best is Seakeeper! We have raised the bar for the industry by providing only custom Seakeeper re-fits,  Seakeeper Installations, Seakeeper sales, Seakeeper service and Seakeeper Inspections and consulting.  Seakeeper is all we do!  We provide Seakeeper services in Fort Lauderdale, Miami, Naples, Fort Myers, The Florida Keys, Tampa, Palm Beach,  Eastern North Carolina and everything in between.  We will travel anywhere for our Loyal Customers!
Business Category: 
Specialty Products