South Florida Intercoastal

News- Safely Responding to the 2020 Census

By: MIASF Staff

Date posted: Mar 23, 2020 Mon

The 2020 Census is here, and it is so important that you participate. The Census Bureau mailed a Census invitation to every household, which you should have received on or shortly after March 12. Responding to the Census is easy and convenient — whether online, over the phone, or by mail—all within the comfort of your home. In fact, over five million people have already responded online! Responding to the Coronavirus Pandemic is an example of why it is so critical to respond to the Census. An accurate count allows public health officials to monitor the spread of communicable diseases and provides funding for vital health services and emergency response planning. Data collected in the 2020 Census will be essential for identifying the locations in our community with the greatest need for new hospitals and health centers. A flawed Census will compromise efforts to track and effectively manage these emergent public health threats, so it is critical that you and every member of your household is counted in the Census this year. We need your help to ensure that Broward County receives its fair share of federal funding. Remember - the Census touches every life, every day! Use your 12-digit Census ID you received in the mail and visit: *If you have not received your ID, you can also respond by going to the same web address and typing in your home address.