South Florida Intercoastal

News - Plywood Regatta Scholarships

By: MIASF Staff

Date posted: May 27, 2020 Wed

As with many events this year, the 24th Annual Plywood Regatta, hosted by the Marine Industries Association of South Florida (MIASF), was cancelled due to health concerns amid the coronavirus pandemic. But that did not stop four dedicated students and MIASF from proceeding with the coinciding scholarship opportunity that is an additional highlight to the two-day team boat building and racing competition for middle school, high school, and technical school students.

The winners are high school seniors who previously participated in Plywood Regatta and applied for the scholarship opportunity despite missing out on the actual event.

•             Kayla Blum, College Academy at Broward College - $500

•             Daniel Kwak, Nova High School - $500

•             Kai Lawracy, Inlet Grove Community High School- $1,000

•             Dubraska Robles, College Academy at Broward College - $750

The announcement was delivered via video and included a guest appearance by Broward County Public Schools Superintendent, Mr. Robert Runcie. The video announcement can be viewed by visiting MIASF plans to reinstate the event in April 2021.