News - Elevator Pitch Competition Judges Needed
By: MIASF Staff
Date posted: Feb 25, 2020 Tue
Judges are needed! The third annual Elevator Pitch Competition is underway. Several judges will be needed Wednesday, March 11th at 11:30 a.m. at South Broward High School and Thursday, April 16th at 9:30 a.m. at MIASF’s Flagship Room. Judges will be asked to score the participants using a standard rubric, focusing on professional dress, presence, industry knowledge, persuasion, and overall quality.
Pared down from more than 100 participating Broward High School Marine Magnet students, five finalists will emerge on April 16th immediately prior to an MIASF Better Business Luncheon where the winner will be announced. Past judges have said judging this competition is a rewarding and fulfilling experience and highly recommend it. Contact to volunteer!