Member News - Zeidel & Co.
By: MIASF Staff
Date posted: Apr 28, 2020 Tue
Crew apparel company, Zeidel & Co. has been making and donating face masks to a local hospital since the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended people wear face coverings in areas where the 6-foot social distancing guideline is hard to maintain, such as in grocery stores where infected people who do not show symptoms can unknowingly spread the coronavirus. Staff made their first delivery of about 35 masks to Good Samaritan Medical Center. While they were making them, a yacht crew member came in to pick up a uniform order, spotted the masks and asked if they were for sale.
Zeidel will now donate about 25% of the 40-50 masks the team expects to make each day and sell the rest exclusively to the yachting community for about $7.50 each. That cost pays for labor and supplies for not only the yachting masks but those donated to hospitals as well.