Member News - NMMA
By: MIASF Staff
Date posted: Apr 28, 2020 Tue
National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) announced the deployment of a comprehensive COVID-19 response strategy. To date, the president’s salary has been reduced by 40% and the leadership team has had a significant reduction in compensation and benefits. The NMMA team has been reduced by 23 members and the remaining employees have transitioned to a three-day work week with reduced pay. The export development program has been eliminated. In accordance with local government guidelines, the NMMA team has been working remotely since the second week of March. This transition was completed seamlessly with remote access and technology, ensuring the team’s ongoing collaboration and service.
A new Task Force led by the advocacy and marketing communications teams provides essential daily news and information for members and stakeholders while helping to secure critical government funding and support for the industry. Ongoing webinars, consultations, and resources, can be accessed at or by emailing
This COVID-19 response strategy streamlines NMMA’s workflow for the foreseeable future and includes an aggressive advocacy offensive to protect recreational boating, as well as boat shows, sales, and marketing opportunities that best position the industry once the global crisis is over.