South Florida Intercoastal

44th Annual Broward County Waterway Cleanup

By: MIASF Staff

Date posted: Mar 10, 2021 Wed

The Waterway Cleanup will run all month long in March 2021, kicking-off on March 6th! You can clean up on any weekend (or every weekend!) in March. This will help prevent crowding on any one day so you can easily maintain social distancing between cleanup groups.

We will not have Site Coordinators this year; instead, all cleanup activity will be collected and reported using the Clean Swell app on your mobile device.The Clean Swell app can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.

Once downloaded, create an account to begin recording your cleanup. Make sure you allow permission for the app to access your GPS location so the data can be accurately reported for each location. (Click here for more info on the Clean Swell mobile app.)

Volunteers can clean up at one of our more than 30 sites throughout Broward County, or if you feel more comfortable, you can clean up in your local neighborhood.Find a complete list of sites and their locations at Please note that some sites open in previous years are closed this year.

Volunteers must register online at prior to participating in this year’s Cleanup and you must register for each day that you will be participating and sign-off on the electronic waiver.If you are a student volunteering for community service hours, you MUST be registered online in order to have your service hours verified. (See the Community Service Hours section ont he event website for additional information on how to verify and receive your service hours.) Volunteers must be 14 years of age to be on site without an 18+ adult.

Visit for more information or to sign up!